Mobility package: new regulations in force since 2 February 2022
The new regulations applicable to the posting of workers have entered into force since 2 February 2022. How are your activities impacted by them?
In order to take account of the specific features inherent in the posting of road transport services, specific rules have been put in place since the transposition into French law of the European Directive[1] of July 15th, 2020, known as the lex specialis, which came into force on February 2nd, 2022. As of this date, new rules have been created, in particular by adapting pre-existing rules to the road transport sector, which also entails new declarative procedures.
The lex specialis imposes new declarative and administrative formalities on companies established within the European Union in the context of the posting of lorry drivers. From now on, we identify:
These companies are now subject to the following formalities:
Following the entry into force of the lex specialis, the situation of these companies continued to be governed by the French Transport Code and they were therefore required to submit a certificate of posting using the French teleservice SIPSI[3] and appoint a representative on French territory.
However, the introduction of this European framework, specific to lorry drivers posted as part of an international provision of services, has forced the French government to review the place of the posting certificate.
Since January 1st, 2023, in application of the Order of October 5th, 2022[4], supplemented by the Decree of October 21st, 2022[5], the few companies still subject to the French national system of posting certificates are now attached to the common law rules provided for by the Labor Code. A distinction is now made between:
This will continue until July 1st, 2026, when companies subject to the posting certificate will fall within the scope of the lex specialis and therefore the "IMI" declaration system[6].
These companies, whether they are subject to the posting certificate or the prior declaration of posting, must necessarily appoint a representative on French territory responsible for liaising with the agents responsible for the control of road transport, during the posting period and up to 18 months (12 months + 6 months in the event of a justified extension) following the performance of the transport service.
Road transport companies established outside the European Union, but which post drivers to carry out freight or passenger transport tasks using heavy vehicles constituting an international service do not, for the time being, have access to the "IMI" system.
These companies must also:
That is, until they are finally granted access to the "IMI" system.
Good to know:
The penalties in the event of incomplete, erroneous, illegible, or erasable information or non-compliance are contained in Article R. 1333-2 of the Transport Code and apply to both the certificate and the copy of the declaration of posting.
For more information, contact our experts!
[1]Directive No. 2020/1057/EU of 15 July 2020
[4]Ordinance No. 2022-1293 of 5 October 2022 on the posting of employees on wheels or flight attendants in the field of transport
[5] Decree No. 2022-1346 of 21 October 2022 on the posting of employees on wheels or seafaring in the transport sector
[6] Council of Ministers of 22 December 2022. Secondment of employees on wheels and seafaring workers in the field of transport.
[7] Article 2 of Decree No. 2022-104 of February 1, 2022