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What categories of vehicle are affected?

Vehicles are classified into 6 categories defined by the Order of 21 June 2016 (in French), according to vehicle type (passenger cars, motorcycles/scooters, commercial vehicles and heavy vehicles), engine and pollutant emissions as defined by the European standard. Electric vehicles benefit from a special “zero engine emission” class.

The vehicle’s classification is valid for the entire time it is on the road. The most polluting vehicles are not classified and cannot obtain a Crit’Air sticker. The classification tables are available on the website of the Ministry for Ecological Transition and Solidarity (in French).

Which traffic zones are affected?

The Crit’Air sticker favours the least polluting vehicles. In permanently restricted traffic zones (ZCR), generally city centres, the Crit’Air sticker, affixed to the windscreen, will be essential for driving and must correspond to an authorised category. This applies to Grenoble, Lille, Lyon and Villeurbanne, Toulouse, Strasbourg and Paris.

There are also air protection zones (ZPAs), set up temporarily in the event of very high levels of air pollution or very hot weather. These measures are often announced the day before, and vehicles in the most polluting Crit’Air categories are not allowed on the roads.

What are the penalties?

If you do not have a Crit’Air sticker and are driving in a restricted traffic zone or an air protection zone, you could be fined up to €135 and your vehicle immobilised.

You can buy the Crit’Air sticker on our ASD SPW platform. It will be sent to you by post within 3 to 5 days.

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