Everything about the A1 form for employee secondment to France

The posting of workers is a common practice in the European Union (EU), enabling companies tosend their employees to work temporarily in another member country while continuing to rely on the social security system of their country of origin. In this context, A1 forms are a key document. What do they contain? How do […]
France: Changes to the Building and Public Works ID Card (BTP Card)

Since 2015, any foreign worker seconded to France for activities in the building or public works sector must be equipped with a valid BTP card for each construction site they work on. Consequently, each employer is required to order a BTP card for each employee and for each distinct construction site during each secondment. However, […]
Posting of road transport employees in France: what are the formalities?

In order to take account of the specific features inherent in posting for road transport services, specific rules have been put in place since the transposition into French law of the European directive[1] of 15 July 2020, known as the lex specialis, which came into force on 2 February 2022. As of this date, new […]
Secondment of British staff to France: what impact will Brexit have on the situation of your employees?

The United Kingdom’s exit from the EU, or “Brexit”, has been effective since 1 January 2021. The “transitional period” provided for in the Agreement on the Withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the EU and the European Atomic Energy Community of 17 October 2019 ended on 31 December 2020. […]
Covid-19: Restrictions on travellers and carriers entering France

In response to the health crisis linked to the Coronavirus, the French government has introduced border controls (land, air and sea) for travellers and carriers entering France. These restrictions depend on the origin of the travellers or carriers. Countries have been classified according to health indicators. Three colour-coded lists have been drawn up (“green”, “orange” […]
Curfew in France, new supporting documents for seconded employees

The health situation linked to the Coronavirus continues to deteriorate in France. Despite the various measures previously introduced by the government, the number of cases of contamination in France is rising daily. For this reason, a curfew has just been introduced. The aim of this new restrictive measure is to limit social interaction. Curfew: the […]
Secondment to France: New regulations

Since 30 July 2020, new rules on secondment in France have come into force with the decree of 28 July 2020 (in French). These rules, designed to combat unfair competition, are evolving and becoming stricter. Extension of the rules applicable to seconded employees With the adoption of this new decree, the legal and contractual provisions […]
Mobility package: reform of the road transport sector

Since July 2020, new rules have governed the road transport sector. The European Parliament has adopted an essential reform of the sector through the mobility package. The main aim of these new regulations is to: Better working conditions for drivers The new rules imposed by this reform ensure better rest conditions for drivers. The mobility […]
Posting of workers: new decree published in the France’s Official Journal

Worker secondment: the new decree of 28 July 2020, published in the Journal Officiel, came into force on 30 July 2020 and aims to combat unfair competition. The decree includes the following provisions: Our online platform, ASD SPW, enables employers who post employees to manage all their obligations relating to the posting of workers (storing […]
No BTP card: penalty doubled

The BTP card is a professional identification card. Employers are obliged to declare their employees carrying out building or public works work by providing them with a BTP card. If they fail to meet this obligation, employers will face administrative fines, the amount of which has recently doubled. In fact, following an order dated 21 […]