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Posting in the building and civil engineering sector: do you know all your obligations?

Détachement dans le secteur du BTP : connaissez-vous toutes vos obligations ?

In France, an employee seconded from a company established outside France in the construction sector is required to be in possession of their professional identification card. The same applies to an employee of a French company since 1 October 2017. The BTP (Bâtiment et Travaux publics – Building and Public Works) card was introduced as […]

Second your employees abroad in the building and civil engineering sector

Envoyez vos salariés à l’étranger dans le secteur du BTP

The rules governing the secondment of employees Obligations vary from country to country, but the social laws of the country of secondment must be complied with (working hours, minimum wage, etc.), with social security contributions remaining payable in the country of origin.In France, the SIPSI pre-departure declaration must be completed and a representative appointed to […]