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France: Changes to the Building and Public Works ID Card (BTP Card)

LEESTIJD: 2 minuut

Since 2015, any foreign worker seconded to France for activities in the building or public works sector must be equipped with a valid BTP card for each construction site they work on. Consequently, each employer is required to order a BTP card for each employee and for each distinct construction site during each secondment.

However, the law n° 2015-990 dated August 6, 2015, which introduced the Professional Identification Card for construction workers, commonly known as the BTP Card, is undergoing reform according to decree n° 2024-112 dated February 15, 2024, which comes into effect on April 1, 2024.

Here are the changes that take effect from April 1, 2024:

  • Validity period of BTP cards
    To streamline procedures, as of April 1, 2024, employees working for an employer based abroad and carrying out construction or public works in France must possess a BTP card valid for five years (in accordance with Article R. 8292-3 of the Labour Code). The validity period and expiration date will be indicated on each BTP card.
  • Multi-missions
    However, the card will be deactivated between each detachment period and between two assignments for temporary employees working for temporary work agencies established in France. This provision entails an amendment to Article R. 8292-3 2° of the Labour Code.
  • Multi-employers
    To meet this requirement, the BTP card will now be multi-employer, allowing for the recording of an unlimited number of detachments and worksites, which will be added as needed.
  • Elimination of Mission Locations
    BTP cards will no longer feature detachment locations. This information will be exclusively available on SIPSI declarations.
  • Modified Management of BTP Cards
    The entity responsible for issuing BTP cards is changing: it will now be the “CIBTP France – Congés Intempéries BTP France” association, tasked with the administrative, technical, and financial management of these cards, instead of the Union des Caisses, as stipulated in Article R.8291-2 of the Labour Code.

What remains unchanged from April 1, 2024:

  • Foreign employers seconding employees must still submit a request to the “CIBTP France” association to obtain BTP cards, subject to the payment of a fee determined by the said association, in accordance with Article R.8291-3 of the Labour Code.
  • As before, while awaiting the issuance of the professional identification card, a temporary certificate, equivalent to a professional identification card, is electronically transmitted by the “CIBTP France” association to the employer or their representative, to be handed over to the relevant employee.
  • The holder of the professional identification card or the temporary certificate must present it immediately upon request to any control agents mentioned in Article L. 8271-1-2 of the Labour Code.

For further information, feel free to contact our experts!


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