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Rennes introduces the Crit’Air sticker

Rennes se met à la vignette Crit’Air

From the moment the traffic restrictions are announced, on the 4th day of the pollution peak, vehicles without a sticker will be banned from driving in Brittany’s capital. On the 6th day of pollution, traffic will be banned for vehicles with stickers 4 and 5. What is the Crit’Air sticker? The Crit’Air sticker, also known […]

The importance of having a legal representative for the posting of your employees

L’importance d’avoir un représentant légal pour le détachement de vos salariés

This legal representative liaises between the foreign company and the French authorities (labour inspectorate, gendarmerie and police, as well as the tax and customs authorities), throughout the period of secondment and in particular during regular checks by the authorities. The representative must be appointed in writing and signed by both parties (the company and the […]

Posting in the building and civil engineering sector: do you know all your obligations?

Détachement dans le secteur du BTP : connaissez-vous toutes vos obligations ?

In France, an employee seconded from a company established outside France in the construction sector is required to be in possession of their professional identification card. The same applies to an employee of a French company since 1 October 2017. The BTP (Bâtiment et Travaux publics – Building and Public Works) card was introduced as […]

Posted workers: what is the current situation?

Travailleurs détachés qu’en est-il aujourd’hui ?

Basic formalities to be complied with For each employee seconded by a company, it is necessary to: What are the requirements for posting employees? By seconding employees to another European country, the employer must comply with the regulations of the country of secondment, in terms of: working hours, pay, safety conditions, accommodation, etc… Today, many […]

Have you got your Crit’Air sticker?

Avez-vous votre Vignette Crit’Air ?

The Crit’Air sticker addresses 3 distinct issues How does this anti-pollution sticker work? The idea behind the sticker is to be able to classify vehicles by engine and age, so that their pollution levels can be assessed. The sticker comes in different colours: from green (for electric cars) to dark grey (for the oldest diesel […]

ID photos for official documents are always a huge headache

Les photos d’identité à faire pour les papiers administratifs sont toujours un immense casse-tête

The conditions for accepting identity photos are becoming increasingly complicated. But this is no longer a problem for your BTP Card! A smartphone application has been created to help you take a photo that will almost certainly be accepted by the authorities. Available on iPhone and iPad as well as Android, the Carte BTP Photo […]

Are you a haulier posting employees to France?

Vous êtes transporteur et vous détachez des salariés en France?

The Macron Act introduced a number of obligations for companies established outside France that second staff to France. Checks are becoming increasingly common in the road haulage and passenger transport sectors, as well as in the inland waterway haulage and passenger transport sectors. To comply with the Macron law and avoid any penalties, it is […]